Dream Ride Australia 2020 and Romeo Retail Group (RRG) respect the privacy of your personal information in our care. Personal information means information which identifies you as an individual or from which your identity can be reasonably ascertained.
This policy relates to personal information RRG collects and handles about you as our customers, visitors to our website, apps, social media and other digital services, and members of the public. RRGstaff and job applicants can contact our human resources team for details about the privacy of their personal information.
What happens to personal information about you?
All personal information collected by RRG will be handled in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (as amended)
What kind of personal information will RRG have about you?
RRG may collect personal information from you which includes name, contact details, identification information, household details, payment and transaction details/history, records of your communications and interactions with us, and details/history of preferences, interests and behaviour relating to transactions, products, services and activity with our digital services.
We may not be able to provide our products or services, or make offers to you, without your personal information.
Generally speaking, RRG does not request or collect sensitive information about you.
How RRG collects personal information
Promotional Programs
One of the ways RRG collects personal information from you is if you participate in promotional programs
RRG will retain all information you provide when you apply to participate in a RRG promotional program.
RRG also collects personal information from suggestions, nominations, comments or complaints that you may send to it (collectively “feedback”). RRG takes the view that your feedback is given to it in confidence and it will not reveal the contents of your feedback without your consent unless it is required or authorized to do so at law, or for the purpose of taking independent advice.
From time to time, RRG may carry out surveys or questionnaires (collectively “survey”). Before collecting survey results, RRG will advise you of the purpose of the survey and whether it is mandatory or voluntary.
When you browse RRG’s website, our service provider logs certain information for statistical purposes – your server address, top level domain (e.g. .com, .net, .au etc.), the date and time of your visit, the pages accessed, documents downloaded, the previous site visited and the type of browser used. RRG will not try to identify users or their browsing activities except, in the event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect the service provider’s logs.
Cookies are small pieces of information exchanged between your web browser and a website server. From time to time RRG may use cookies on its website to help carry out online surveys. Where RRG uses an external survey provider, that provider could use cookies on their website. If this is the case, you will be directed to information on the provider’s website explaining the use of cookies.
Why is this information necessary?
It is necessary for RRG to collect and keep this information about you so it can keep you informed of promotions and specials each week, offer you the benefits associated with RRG promotional programs, respond to your feedback and surveys, assesses and reassesses the granting or withdrawal of any credit account, process payments, enforce its rights (where necessary) and generally perform its business functions more efficiently.
How will your personal information be used?
RRG will only use your personal information for the purpose for which you have provided it, that is:
Obtaining from any credit reporting agency any credit report containing any and all credit information about you;
Obtaining from any other of your suppliers information relating to your creditworthiness, credit rating, credit history or financial capacity;
Notifying your other suppliers of any defaults in payment, but only following specific request for such information from them;
Exchanging information with your other actual or potential suppliers, but only upon request from them;
Enforcing its rights;
Keeping you up to date with RRG latest promotions, specials and benefits; and
Responding to your feedback and surveys.
To whom is your personal information likely to be disclosed?
In using your personal information for these purposes, RRG may have to disclose your personal information to other persons. These other persons may include RRG agents, lawyers, financiers, credit reporting agencies, the Courts and Tribunals of Australia and your other suppliers.
RRG will not disclose your personal information unless:-
You consent to that disclosure;
You have been told or should have a reasonable expectation that information of the kind you have given is usually passed on to other entities;
It is required or authorized by law;
It is reasonably necessary to prevent a serious or imminent threat to someone’s health or for the compliance with or enforcement of any law; or
It is required in order to protect RRG’s legitimate interests.
How is personal information about you protected?
RRG uses reasonable endeavours to protect your personal information but does not warrant the security of any information transmitted to it over the Internet. Any information transmitted to RRG over the Internet is at your risk.
Other personal information is stored at RRG premises and on RRG computer systems. RRG takes reasonable steps to protect information on its computer systems against misuse, loss, unauthorized access, modification or disclosure.
You should be aware that no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed as totally secure and there are security risks in transmitting information via this medium. You should assess these potential risks when deciding whether to use RRG’s online services. If you do not wish to transmit information via our website, please visit any of our RRG Foodland, Supa IGA or IGA stores or call Head Office with your query on 08 8267 5055
RRG takes reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify your personal information if it is no longer needed for any purpose.
What happens if you do not consent to the use of your information for the purpose set out above?Priva
Wherever it is lawful and practicable, you have the option not to identify yourself when entering into transactions with RRG. However, in such event, RRG may not be able to provide you with the benefits associated with RRG’s promotional programs.
If you do not consent to the uses or disclosures of your personal information in the manner disclosed in this policy:-
you should not sign the “Authority to Collect and Use Information About You” section of any RRG promotional program; and
RRG may reject your application for credit if, as a result of your refusal to provide the authority requested, RRG is unable to assess in a meaningful way your creditworthiness.
Likely overseas disclosure of your information
Given that RRG’s operations are in Australia, it is not likely that your personal information will be disclosed to overseas recipients.
Who can you contact about RRG’s personal information about you?
You have the right to request access to personal information that RRG has about you.
If there is information that RRG has about you that is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date, you have the right to request that it be corrected, completed and updated by contacting the following:
Alan Jones
08 8267 5055
email: alanj ‘at’
71-79 O’Connell Street, North Adelaide, SA, 5006
Anthony Romeo
08 8267 5055
email: anthonyr ‘at’
71-79 O’Connell Street, North Adelaide, SA, 5006
What process applies if you have a complaint?
If you have complaints in relation to the information RRG holds about you, in the first instance, you should contact the following:
Alan Jones
08 8267 5055
email: alanj ‘at’
71-79 O’Connell Street, North Adelaide, SA, 5006
Anthony Romeo
08 8267 5055
email: anthonyr ‘at’
71-79 O’Connell Street, North Adelaide, SA, 5006
If the complaint has not been made in writing, RRG may request that you put your complaint in writing. RRG will deal with you complaint within a reasonable period of time, usually 30 days. You will be informed of the outcome of your complaint.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may raise the matter with the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (see for details).
Any comments or suggestions?
If you have any comments or suggestions regarding this policy, please call Head Office on 08 8267 5055. All comments and suggestions will be considered and, if appropriate, incorporated into this policy.