Dreamride Australia 2025
Save the date! Wigley Reserve Glenelg, 23rd March 2025
Michael Bozzuto, created Dream Ride in the USA in 2001, as a benefit ride to raise awareness and funds for people with intellectual disabilities.
Over the years thousands have joined the mission and helped make an impact on so many lives. Romeo’s and Balfours, united in 2016 to send people with intellectual disabilities to the USA to participate in this life changing experience, with hope and vision of bringing the event to Adelaide.
On April 29, 2018 more than 1000 people attended the first-ever Australian Dream Ride event in Adelaide. With children’s entertainment, food trucks, live music, face painting, amusement rides and 110 prestigious cars on display, Dream Ride Australia is certainly an event for the whole family to enjoy.

What we do
The Dream Ride Experience is more than just an event; it is a movement of making dreams come true.
Dream Ride Experience is a day showcasing cars and family fun, all benefiting a worthy cause. The day honours men, women and children living with intellectual disabilities in our communities, and highlights their determination and perseverance to overcome challenges, and shatter stereotypes.
Hundreds of motor enthusiasts gather at Wigley Reserve to provide an exhilarating ride to the Dream Ride Participants. You can be involved in the event by registering your car and driving a participant, donating or sponsoring our event, and volunteering.